Maintenance Activity Tracker or MAcTrack for short is a Maintenance Reminder app for tracking regular recurring personal and home maintenance tasks. We all have numerous maintenance tasks that we need to track on a regular basis. Things like replacing the filter on the home air conditioner every month or going for a medical check-up with the doctor once a year or replacing the car engine oil every six months.
These regular maintenance tasks recur on some approximate frequency, so regular calendar notifications are just a useless nag and too easy to dismiss when you can acceptably delay “a few more weeks”. MAcTrack Maintenance Reminders are simple and configurable.
MAcTrack is designed to be extremely simple to add and edit maintenance schedules that recur on some frequency of days. A new task / activity is due on the defined start date and when you track the activity as performed, the new due date is automatically set based on the date performed and frequency.
The activity history shows a full list of all the dates on which the task was performed and shows the average number of days between dates performed. Tap on a date performed if you need to edit or delete that history record.
* Simple and easy
* Cloud based with offline editing
* Home / car / medical / personal (life)
* Maintenance schedule and checklist
* Select from Suggestions or add your own
* Maintenance log
* Track your maintenance goals
* Simple and configurable reminders
* Phone and tablet multi-device
* Import / Export of data
* No ads and free with a record limit
* PRO version purchase for generous limit
* PRO is only a one-time $2.99 (US) fee
* Bonus free web access (most browsers)
这些定期维护任务复发一些近似频率,所以定期日历通知只是一个无用的唠叨,太容易解雇时,你可以接受的延迟“几个星期”。 MAcTrack保养提醒简单且可配置的。
* PRO只是一次性$ 2.99(美国)费